tisdag 30 april 2013

The Six Ingredient Challenge

Have you heard about the about the six ingredients challenge? It is a challenge where you are supposed to try to buy stuff from the store for a certain time with only 6 ingredients in the contents list.  Why? To make sure you eat more wholefoods and fewer artificial additives.
In February I did this challenge for a week but I also got curious and decided to check what we had at home before I started the challenge that contained more than six ingredients. I was quite happy with the result. Most of the things that contained more than six ingredients were in the fridge, mostly some sauces.

Here is a pick of most them,
in addition to this we had some bread that contained more than six ingredients and a can of pea soup.
various prepared sauces and dips with more than six ingredients

Your turn, what groceries do you have with more than six ingredients at home?

Catarina Holmsten-Carrizo
part of this post has been posted on rulesofgreen.com before

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