Do you know the word, “Permaculture”? Some of you may be
familiar with this word, but others may not. This word is actually short for
“permanent agriculture,” which describes
an integrated, evolving system of perennial or self-perpetuating plant and
animal species useful to man, according to David Holmgren (2002), one of
the co-originators of permaculture concept with Bill Mollison. It is also
described as consciously designed
landscapes which mimic the patterns and relationships found in nature, while
yielding an abundance of food, fibre, and energy for provision of local needs.

In addition, he adds that he sees Permaculture as the use of systems thinking and design principles that provide the
organising framework for implementing the above vision. In his
mind, Permaculture is not just the
landscape, or even the skills of organic gardening, sustainable farming, energy
efficient buildings or eco-village development, but is used to design, manage
and improve these and all other efforts made by individuals, households, and
communities towards a sustainable future.
Therefore, permaculture is also conceived as being short for
“permanent culture” as well. In other words, it can be widely incorporated in
all of the areas and aspects in our lives and cultures. I regard it as a
philosophical backbone realized through the process of implementing concrete
design principles as follows, which everyone who has a long-term vision for our
future should have in mind.
1.Observe and Interact -Beauty is in the eye of the
2.Catch and Store Energy -Make hay while the sun shines-
3.Obtain a Yield -You can't work on an empty stomach-
4.Apply Self-regulation and Accept Feedback
-The sins of the fathers are visited on the children unto seventh
5.Use and Value Renewable Resources and Services -Let Nature
take its course-
6.Produce No Waste -A stitch in time saves nine. Waste not, want
7.Design from Patterns to Details -Can't see wood for the
8.Intergrate rather than Segregate -Many hands make light
9.Use Small and Slow Solutions -The bigger they are, the harder
they fall. Slow and steady wins the race-
10. Use and Value Diversity -Don't put all your eggs in one
11.Use Edges and Value the Marginal -Don't think you are in the
right track just because it is a well-beaten pass-
12.Creativity Use and Respond to Change -Vision is not seeing
things as they are but as they will be-
In relation to food waste, we can refer to the design principle 6, “Produce no
Waste”, in which it is regarded as important to have a radical perspective that
sees wastes as resources and opportunities. Making composts is easy to come up
with as an example of it, but, at the same time, if you have been wasting food
as consumers, it can also be regarded as an opportunity to change your bad
habits into a better one by achieving food literacy more and more!
Seiya Okawara